[ASTLIBRA Revision] Steam_api64.dll: Failed to initialize
Hello everyone i been having a problem running a game whose name is ASTLIBRA Revision, its a steam game and i downloaded it from juegosdepcfull it seems to use as well some kind of crack named tenoke
The page is spanish so i am sorry if its confusing.
wine --version
The error when running wine ASTLIBRA.exe
0120:err:module:loader_init "steam_api64.dll" failed to initialize, aborting
0120:err:module:loader_init Initializing dlls for L"Z:\\home\\antonio\\GAMES\\ASTLIBRA\\ASTLIBRA.exe" failed, status c0000005
Tried using the GoldBerg Steam Emu steam_api64.dll as well and so far this is what i receive>
wine ASTLIBRA.exe
0120:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetProcessTerminationMethod FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 00007FFFFE1FEAB0
I am unsure if the only thing that i am to copy and replace to my game folder is the steam_api64.dll, so i did and thats the error i got.
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