12/8: Scenarios, groupchat changes, V6 LLM repetition and run-on patch

Hi everyone, today we rolled out a few major updates.

You can now create "scenarios", which are instanced groupchats that allow you to branch out a conversation from a given message - click on the branch icon after clicking a message. When you branch a scenario, it will automatically copy the chat history up to the last chat break or 150 messages back, so you get exactly the same conversation context in the scenario. You can make scenarios from single chat as well as groupchats, and after creation you can add/remove Kindroids and control long term memory settings like any other groupchat.

As part of the scenarios update, we also are allowing groupchats of just 2 participants - you and 1 other AI. The amount of max groupchats is now 2 times the amount of Kindroid slots you have. So if you have 12 Kindroid slots in total, you will now have 24 group slots. Scenarios and these groupchat changes have now made groupchats much more versatile so we want to reflect that in the limits as well.

In addition, V6 LLM has had a small but important patch applied to the lower dynamisms aiming to curb excessive repetition or run-ons. You should be seeing less word soup show up after this patch on dynamisms below 1.1 and less run-on repetitive responses even as responses grow in length. If run-ons still show up after the patch, please report and include your dynamism, and regenerate them away. Lastly, a minor suggestions patch for V6 was rolled out as well to make them less likely to repeat.

Lastly, please note - Reddit announcements are not the place to get help or post non-related suggestions. Please email [email protected].