Toughest Shifts in JEE Mains 2025
Well anyone who has given all the shifts can only compare between the shifts. However, based on reddit reactions/polls/and generalized views. Here are the top toughest shifts (Note : toughest doesn't mean lowest marks for 99, it's all dependent on the quality of students in your shift) :
Toughest : 28s1, 28s2=23s1 ≈ 24s1.
Moderately tough : 22s2, 23s2 (chem)
Moderate : 22s1, 24s2 ≈ 29s1≈29s2.
I would again say this is just the difficulty order and NOT the marks vs percentile order, it depends on the students in your shift. Also, I have not taken Memory based questions in account, so don't come shouting like bro you are wrong this was tougher than this man have u given both shifts?
Also, absolutely NONE of the shifts matched the level of 27, 29, 30 jan 2024 shifts level.