Iowa Lawyers for low income
I (29F) am legally married to my ex, I'll call her Lea (30F). Lea is transgender and was male when we were together, and we conceived a child together. I'll call him James (9m). Lea moved to Colorado at the end of May this year and I allowed James to visit her because her parents live there too and he won't get to see them all that much since we live in Iowa. I have always had James as the primary parent.
When they were supposed to bring him back, they served me with paperwork. Lea is trying to give our son to her dad in a guardianship and take away my rights to him. I was basically told I need to file for divorce and emergency custody in Iowa, but I can't find any lawyers I can afford as I just had a new baby with my boyfriend a week ago and am not working. All money I had saved has gone to my bills while I'm off work and I am medically not well enough to return to work yet. My family will help with a lawyer if we can make payments but the only lawyer I found who will do that wants a $5000 down payment first, which is impossible for me to afford.
I live in North West Iowa, I've been turned down by legal aide due to the different state lines involved, and I need a lawyer fast. Any recommendations?