Afternoon vs Morning Tests

Something to be said about testing twice a day when you think you are nearing your peak! Tested this morning and noticed my LH levels rising a bit and my estrogen levels way up. Not enough for a peak but I had the feeling I was close based on CM and how I was feeling. Decided to take a test this afternoon for the hell of it and lo and behold…PEAK! 🙌 Happy to know I’m reading my body right and didn’t miss my peak this month! Send me baby dust 🍼✨

Something to be said about testing twice a day when you think you are nearing your peak! Tested this morning and noticed my LH levels rising a bit and my estrogen levels way up. Not enough for a peak but I had the feeling I was close based on CM and how I was feeling. Decided to take a test this afternoon for the hell of it and lo and behold…PEAK! 🙌 Happy to know I’m reading my body right and didn’t miss my peak this month! Send me baby dust 🍼✨