Industrial Designers in the field: What sketching styles and skills are most prevalent/important now?

Hi all!
I am a trained Industrial Designer and I worked for about 4 years doing classic ID in consulting firms before switching to UX. I've kept up on my sketching relatively well as it is a hobby of mine, but everything I learned in school & the field was 8-10 years ago now.

I am teaching a design sketching/visual communication course at a University this fall for the second year. Last year I incorporated a lot of hand sketching techniques in the beginning of the semester to get comfortability, perspective, proportion, communication, composition etc. down, and transitioned to doing more digital sketching toward the end. I also taught about using underlays, whether photographs or modeling quick shapes, to do iterations on.

I'm wondering, am I missing anything? Is this approach outdated? Do employers care less about the ability to sketch on paper these days? Are y'all using AI generation?

Thanks in advance, trying to make the best possible course to set my students up well.


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