An unexpected twist - our first Fresh Transfer tomorrow. Advice? Vibes? Success stories?

After an absolute rollercoaster of a week and based on a LOT of advice from everyone here in this subreddit, we are moving forward (hopefully) with a Fresh Transfer from our first ER tomorrow. You can see more of our journey this week on my post history. We are tempering our expectations and hopes, but weirdly, the change of plan has calmed by brain in a way I can't describe. Perhaps it's simply the act of making a decision that has made everything seem so much more peaceful.

We were very lucky to receive an update from our embryologist yesterday on Day 3 that all four of our fertilized eggs had reached the 8 cell stage - an absolute blessing - and that even our one abnormal fertilized egg (a 3PN zygote) had also split into 8 by yesterday afternoon. At the same time, we know most of the drop off in attrition occurs between Day 3 and Day 5. Still, we've felt hopeful since her call.

Assuming we have a single good blast tomorrow, we'll be doing a fresh transfer. We will decide by Saturday if we want to send any remaining blasts off for PGT. We had debated transferring two if possible, though we haven't fully made a decision on that. I think it will all depend on what we see tomorrow.

We're incredibly grateful for hundreds of responses to various questions we've asked in this subreddit this week. Now we're asking for any advice for a fresh transfer. We'd also love to hear any fresh transfer success stories.

What a wild ride this entire thing is. Thank you for allowing us to vent about it here.