2 blasts - skip PGT and go for it?

Hi everyone. I am hoping for some advice about PGT-A testing. I had 23 thawed eggs fertilized and growing, but then only 2 blasts made it to being frozen (Day 5 4BB & Day 6 5AB). PGT was planned and the two embryos were biopsied but now I am thinking of not doing PGT and just trying FETs. My reasoning is the false positive and false negatives that are inherent with these tests, and since this is still developing technology I don't want my clinic to refuse to transfer. Due to my age there is no possibility of another ER. This is it and everything.

I already paid the biopsy costs with my clinic, which were ~3k(!), and I have yet to confirm but I believe Cooper Surgical would charge me between ~$400 and ~$3000.

I don't have a history of miscarriage and on a mock cycle I had endometrial thickness of 13.7mm. Sonogram was fine. Would it make sense to just go straight to transfer for 2 untested blasts??

ps. I'm waiting for an answer from my clinic as to why so many fertilized eggs didn't make it - a 9% success rate is way outside of expected.

Edit: A suggestion to think through PGT testing decisions in advance for both if you get a small number of blasts vs a larger number. I could have saved thousands if I'd been counseled by my clinic about how the testing decision can change depending on the number of blasts, and we'd had a different plan if that situation arose. Also some clinics have a policy of never transferring aneuploids. If you want all embryos to have the potential to be transferred it's important that you don't do the testing (you may need to reach out to a 3rd party lab doing the testing to instruct them not to) to make sure no results end up with your clinic.