Medicated FET schedule / monitoring appointments or modified natural with BC?

I had a failed FET in November and will be starting stims soon for another ER. I have 1 PGTA euploid on ice I plan to transfer regardless of outcome of this ER.
My doctor mentioned being open to a more natural transfer (I did fully medicated) which I kind of would prefer, however I have major scheduling issues. In order to make that work, I would either need to wait until April to transfer (wait another cycle after I get my post ER period/bleed) or do 1-2 weeks of birth control. I also don’t know my work schedule that far out yet - I have a newish job and travel a few days a month. I’ve already rearranged / declined 2 trips this month to accommodate my ER. My other option would be to do medicated again. I responded well and there were no issues. Using the same calendar as last time I had bloodwork CD2, then BC for 7 days, off for 4 days with monitoring on day 4, then started estrogen pills, monitoring 1 week later, then 5 days later (start PIO), one last lining check day before transfer and transfer 6 days later. Based on my current travel schedule, I would have to miss that 2nd middle monitoring appointment. Given how I reacted last time, I’m wondering if my clinic would allow me to forgo this and just wait until my 3rd? Obviously if my lining wasn’t good and I couldn’t start PIO that would just push my transfer date out which is fine. Has anyone had less / more flexible monitoring that what I had last time for medicated?
Obviously these are all questions I can ask my clinic but just trying to narrow down my options so I don’t have to write them a novel :).
TLDR: anyone do 1-2 weeks of birth control before a modified natural FET? Anyone have 2 main monitoring appointments vs 3 for medicated (+ baseline and day before transfer)? Thank you!!