Do you feel like some people just aren't mean to live? (literally)

Honestly, i'll be honest with you all, i'm not even sure if an INTP at all, but feels like the only type that fits me along with INFP maybe, i'm defintiely not a sensor at least, like i must have one of the lowest Se in the world.
I'm autistic and ADHD man in his 20s and i just felt i don't meant to be in this world at all, i don't even say it in a edgy or depressed way, just my observation.
Everything that's not begin in bed playing videogames, sleeping or eating my comfort food just overwhelms me and makes me all exausted, begin more than 10 minutes outide is challenging, i feel like the world warps around me and i become extremely tired.
I'm unable to make friends bc i have no normal interests at all, like i enjoy tennis, cooking, traveling as normal inteests go sometimes, but they still exaust me, my only interest is...gaming....but event then it's not like i'm a pro at it or something.
This thread is asking if you feel like some people just aren't meant to live, dunno, life just doesn't grab my atention very much. I think if i wasn't for my games or comfort food i would have stoped existed years just seems exausting