Anti Hydrogen People - Let's start a list
As many of you who follow hydrogen know, there is a history of FUD statements that are thoroughly debunked, but keep getting used to bash hydrogen ad infinitum. While thousands of X users, facebookers, Threads folks, Bluesky, etc, parrot and repeat anti-hydrogen propaganda, some anti-hydrogen folks are "the source" and some are higher ranking than others.
For example, the hydrogen hate started with the kingpin of disinformation Elon Musk when he called fuel cells "fool cells" and disparaged them as a threat not necessarily to BEVs, but rather saw them as a threat to his ability to make money through stock manipulation. From there, many people carry those lies forward and incessantly repeat the bullshit. Some of the more notorious hydrogen bashers spawned from the original kingpin are Fred Lambert - Chief Editor @ Electrek, Zach Shahan - Chief Editor at CleanTechnica, Michael Barnard a writer for CleanTechnica that Shahan allows to publish anti-science & anti-hydrogen garbage, Michael Liebreich - the bully made famous by bashing hydrogen with anti-science propaganda, and so many more. The one thing most of the hydrogen bashers have in common is their love of Tesla and investments in battery companies like Tesla.
One such hydrogen bashing person is Gniewomir Flis (linked in page in the image above). Had seen him bashing hydrogen for years on Twitter and now Bluesky and decided to do a quick Google search on him today. It didn't take long to find he is "the guy" behind Liebreich's famous database and hydrogen bashing data. I found the endorsement from Liebreich on his linked in and posted it on one of Gniewomir's Bluesky posts bashing hydrogen. Minutes later, my account was blocked. No insults, no name calling, just "hey I figured out who you are and now it makes sense" and that was enough for him to block RMP's account. Bullies get made when confronted with facts.
Here's the bottom line: the energy transition has major challenges. Hydrogen has challenges. Batteries have challenges. Solar has challenges. To cherry pick the challenges related to hydrogen while completely ignoring (& profiting) from other technologies is not just anti-hydrogen, it's anti-science. I watched dozens of Liebriech videos a couple years ago researching a paper debunking his hydrogen ladder (link at the bottom). It's the most popular post on RMP's website. It gets more views most days than all the rest of the posts combined. Two years later, it's still very relevant. One of the things I learned from Michael is that he bulled whipped some guy to be his data horse in order to get the information he used to make money. Turns out Gniewomir is the "data guy" that got bull whipped.
Like I said, it make sense now, why I have seen Gniewomir bashing hydrogen because he's Michael's lackey. We should start a list of these top content creators of hydrogen bashing material. If you have more names of content creators that spend an inordinate amount of time bashing hydrogen but never write anything about solar or battery challenges, leave their names in the comments. I'll add them to the list and publish it on the Org's website some day. If you're interested to read the report I wrote debunking Michael Liebreich's hydrogen ladder, here's the link:
PS- look how disrespectful Liebreich is even when trying to write something nice on someone's Linked In. "In the end I let him move on so he could broaden his experiences". LOL. It's like he owns him as a slave or something. Liebreich is impossibly like a troglodyte.