“Returning characters” from Yuyu Hakusho

I’m rereading YuYu Hakusho, and pretty immediately it occurred to me that Ging is basically an older and bummer version of the punk-ass protagonist of Yuyu Hakusho Yusuke Urameshi. Visually, Ging pretty much is Urameshi with 20 more years and some stubble on him, and Ging himself is like a less responsible, more introverted, and much more selectively motivated version of Yusuke. Obviously, there’s some very clear subtext with the protagonist’s father basically being the previous series’ protagonist, but I’m curious to see what other characters we can recognize he’s worked with in some shape or form before.

As I see it, in some ways Togashi picked up where he left off with a lot of ideas from YuYu Hakusho to reinterpret in HxH, the reason he ended that previous manga when he did being that SJ pretty much told him he couldn’t do what he would eventually do with Gon breaking down and doing something so transgressive as a shonen protagonist that the full effects lost him his abilities and tenure as the protagonist.

All that said, Ive identified a few characters that really embody taking certain character ideas further—Kurapika is a pretty obvious expy of Kurama, both being the team pretty boy smart guy and having a fair aesthetic overlap between chains and thorny vibes, though their character and arcs diverges quite a bit especially considering how much more screentime Kurapika has as the current protagonist and a politician (we hear his internal monologue a lot more).

Beyond that, Mukuro’s background is almost a 1:1 for Morena’s in terms of having a horrible childhood which scarred them, Mukuro literally per her appearance, and Morena psychologically, though the theories that she might be hellbell too are interesting.

What other overlaps do you see?