SPOILER: I got really excited about the lantern rite event, it really made me weak, Opinions?

A Chinese friend lied to me about Hu Tao's death, I thought he was really going to die, they really prepared for it.

They definitely put effort into these missions, lots of animations, three cinematics, everything very concise and without so much text. You can see the investment put in.

Everything reminded me of Haruhi Suzumiya's disappearance, even Hu Tao's personality resembles Haruhi. But I really thought he was going to die, it made me really nervous lol, the encounters with friends and the coins along with the gift of flowers, 10/10, learn archon missions!!

With just 4 short missions you can do something much better, whether he had died or not, they certainly did it with enthusiasm in these missions.

Give your opinion on the missions!