The Explosive Crossbow is a superior version of the Eruptor.
Been using both weapons lately, trying to decide which I like more and I think I am leaning towards the crossbow. While the Eruptor has a CLEAR advantage in range, the explosion size doesn't seem to be too different between the two weapons, at least not enough for me to notice in the heat of a bot fight.
Both guns can easily take out groups of chaff and the more armoured enemies are no match for their explosive damage. The Eruptor does have medium armour pen but I haven't noticed it damaging something that the crossbow couldn't. I guess an argument can be made about the Eruptor being able to destroy bug holes and bot factories but that's about it.
That being said, MAJOR BULLET DROP aside, the crossbow has been a lot easier to use for me. Better damage, slightly higher rate of fire AND reload speed, IMMENSELY BETTER CONTROL and it has the exact same capacity as the ERUPTOR.
Please feel free to share what your experience with the two guns has been like so far.
TL:DR Don't sleep on the Crossbow. Give it a genuine chance and it will surprise you.