Kinda Rough (spoiler all)

So I'm listening to 11 and I can't help but feel like the way Belinda ends it with Jory is inconsiderate. Not that she's breaking up with him or anything it makes sense for their characters, just when she does it.

She had obviously felt it coming for a long time, and seemingly already had a thing with estella. So she shows up at his work and the receptionist is like hey maybe wait a minute he's teaching a class.. and she says no I've waited long enough.

So she waits up till she's finally comfortable and ready to do something about it but won't give him the courtesy to wait for a free moment? Seems wildly inconsiderate to me. Obviously jory took it fine because he knew it was coming anyway and knew it was their time. But her not even having the thought of "hey I waited to endure this sadness and discomfort until I was good and ready so maybe I should wait for him to be alone at least" really kinda turned me off hard. Felt way more callous than I expected from her.

That's all. Just listening and had the thought