[Xbox][bug] KBM unable to swap/assign spells--LMB hold not recognized on spell selection

If any other xbox users using KBM have found a workaround please let me know!!!

My roomate does not like controller for this game and prefers KBM. He discovered this error once he needed to swap spells (5th spell).

The only workaround appears to be to grab the controller, turn it on remap spells then continue using KBM. This makes combat spell swapping unfeasible.

Tried both on series S/X with 2 different mice.

When pressing "T" to bring up spell selection it brings up the standard consolse spell wheel.

States to "hold LEFT CLICK to assign" Xbox does not recognise the left click hold. Clicking and holding on the spell does nothing. No icon selection to drag/drop.

Additionaly no KBM settings in game. No FOV option in game.

If any other xbox users using KBM have found a workaround please let me know!!!

As he cannot swap controller inputs in game nor use KBM fluidly he has now stopped playing and regrets purchase.

I.E. Xbox acessory swapping basic casts cannot be done without also swapping the hold for spell to the new button via accessorys app.

Having a fac button needing to be held to select another facebutton doesnt work well.