Tell me about Gardasil
ok hear me out first. For background, I am 33F, never vaccinated for HPV. I was diagnosed with CIN2 and I am scheduled for a LEEP on September 3rd. My doctor strongly encourages the vaccine at the same time I get the LEEP.
Ok now before this thread goes crazy, I want to say that I acknowledge that the vax convo is highly political and polarizing. I am not anti-vax but at the same time, hearing stories about adverse reactions really scares me. I have an aunt who is incredibly anti-vax and is always talking about horrifying side effects that she "researches" about. When I was younger I vaguely remember her going off about the gardasil vaccine causing paralysis in young girls. I never researched this myself but her words did affect me.
This is going to sound crazy but my current brain is currently more afraid of the vaccine than I am of cervical cancer. For context of my cognitive dissonance, I get my daughter vaccinated for everything that's recommended so please don't come at me. I know I know, the dissonance is real. For some reason my brain is like "I'm sure the vaccine is safe for everyone but me."
Right now I'm 50/50 on getting the vaccine in September. I really don't know how to make an informed decision. I do have HR HPV but I am negative for 16/18. Does my doctor think that the vaccine can help prevent those at least since I haven't been exposed to those strains before? Can the vaccine help fight my current infection? I've read that at my age, the vaccine is less effective, but I can't seem to find any info that quantifies exactly HOW effective it could be. Is it worth it? Can y'all provide me your experiences and thoughts with the vaccine? Give me the good, bad, and the ugly.