Precursor Collections - Some of the games best content that will only be enjoyed by 5% of the playerbase
The precursors collections and associated items and events are some of the best content I've played on my 12 year old character. They drew me to areas of the game I had long forgotten and introduced me to content I didn't even know existed (like Dolyaks rest where Dolyaks go when they are old and become ghostly figures that walk through a nearby waterfall into the afterlife).
Each precursor collection has 3 levels of achievements, with the 2nd level being a massive sticking point and pain, as it often requires hundreds of gold (due to excessive Deldrimor Steel Ingot and Spiritwood Plank requirements) and large amounts of geodes (400) and bandit crests (1000) per collection. Utilising rift essences, I was finally able to purchase the last geodes and bandit crests I needed to get past the 2nd stage of the precursor achievements and finish them all off but it was definately a slog.
The final third stages of the collections were all super interesting and tied to their respective precursor. I loved the content, but as I finished it up I did reflect how sad it was that the massive cost and effort of the second stage means that the majority of players will likely never experience the content, content that was obviously developed with alot of love, attention and care by the devs. While I understand why the costs sinks were introduced when the precursor collections were first introduced, I do hope that one day the devs revisit the collections and make the second stage abit easier, if only so more people can appreciate the precursor journey.