Does anyone here think that Lorelei should never have gone to her parents about Chilton?

I've been lurking here for a while. And there are a lot of comments about how Lorelei will never truly be "self-made" because she knew she could always go back to her parents when she needs them, which she ultimately does for Rory.

So I'm curious, does anyone here think that she should never have gone back at all, even for Rory's sake?

Stars Hollow High may not be a prestigious high school, but Rory certainly would have gone to a decent college, if not Ivy League, on her grades alone. She'd be in a small percentage of people who managed it, but it's not impossible.

Should Lorelei have let Rory try to get in on merit alone?

Would Rory have turned out a better person if she hadn't been exposed to Richard and Emily's life style?