Questions for those with high fasting numbers but normal post meal numbers

Hi all, I’m so appreciative of this community. I was diagnosed with GD Friday, had my first consult with a coach yesterday. I failed the 3 hour test. I’m 30 weeks tomorrow. I had hyperemesis that kept me from eating most things until 24 weeks. I haven’t been able to gain weight this pregnancy but my team wasn’t originally worried because my starting BMI was 36. At this point I’m still not back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but not far off (4 lbs under pre pregnancy weight, averaging a week of weight readings taken same time in the morning daily.) Pretty darn frustrated with this diagnosis and having another thing to manage but working to change my attitude and see it as a problem to solve.

Anyways, seems that my primary issue is that the insulin resistance is so bad my fasting numbers are just not good. At my 3 hour test my fasting blood glucose was 100, this morning with my first test (just got the glucometer) it was 109. I’ve been eating in compliance with the GD handout they gave me since Friday. The coach I spoke to had very little to offer in terms of outcomes/etc, so I’m seeking admittedly anecdotal evidence here, but would very much appreciate any responses.

My questions, specifically for those of us who have high fasting numbers:

  1. Were you able to get them down with anything? Exercise after dinner, different sleep regimen, different kinds of exercise, bedtime snack (what did you eat?), etc…

  2. Did you end up on insulin? If so, how many weeks were you and did it help control the fasting numbers?

  3. Did your GD resolve after delivery or were you diagnosed with type 2 afterwards?

  4. How far along did you deliver? Induction, vaginal, c-section. I’d love to know all the things.

Thank you in advance, this community is an incredible resource. I’ve been searching and reading all weekend and the stories here have given me a lot of hope.