I feel like people are exaggerating voter's regret
Yes in social media and youtube and such, voter's regret is real.
BUT i think it's just the vocal minority
Over 50% of the country voted for the orange ahole.
And from what i see irl and here on reddit, there's still a LOT of aholes who still support him. No matter what awful things he does, they will always support him and blame Biden or some other BS
It's a cult, what do you expect.
And even the voter's regret people aren't really showing true regret as they will most likely vote for another ahole candidate in the next 4 years that have the same ahole views they have, learning absolutely nothing. Because of their rights, freedom, capitalism, 'merica, etc.
They also only "regret" voting for him because they are finding out.
A cult isn't truly going to "regret" their decisions and truly learn.
They just want you to feel bad for them because they are finding out.