I just finished FMA Brotherhood and now I’m dissatisfied. Overview

I’m a 28 y old female and I binged watched about 5 episodes a day. The last 14 episodes, I couldn’t stop watching and I spent this past Friday glued to my phone until 2 o’clock in the morning because I didn’t want to stop watching ( I don’t have a tv at the moment unfortunately so I don’t think that helped )

Every episode was astonishing. Great character development and fantastic story writing. Olivier and Alex fighting Sloth kept me on my toes and then King Bradley vs Scar and so much more happening. . Up until the final battle.

My favorite partnership in the series is Greed/Ling and I cried when Greed died and said his goodbye. I know they are fictional characters but that’s how great Greed’s character Development did for me. He appreciated his friends in the end.

The last episode was okay. . I am satisfied obviously that Mustang is going to rebuild Ishval with Hawkeye by his side

Al got his body back, the Elric brothers went back to Winry as promised. And Ed proposed to Winry using alchemist jargon Lol

What I mean is I am NOT satisfied for rushing through this masterpiece. I think I rushed through the series so quickly that I didn’t give my mind a break to properly process what was happening and now I can’t stop thinking about the 14 episodes that I rushed through. I was so exhausted mentally by the last three episodes. I ruined the experience for me. I wish I could’ve just watched 3 - 4 episodes a day while taking my time and making the experience worth it.

Now I am watching FMA brotherhood starting from the first episode but this time I am taking my time. I am just disappointed that I won’t be able to have the same experience as I did watching the first time. .

Has anyone else gone through this? Or is it just me?

Side note, I am not an anime fan. Maybe when I was in middle school and I actually did finish the 2003 FMA but I haven’t watched anime in like 15 years.

So this was my first time watching Japanese anime in a very long time and I think it will be my last