I’ve noticed there’s a lot of people on here who have no idea about personal relationships . First of all, this whole forum is BS. There’s no such thing as a friend zone at all lmao. So just because you’re friends with a girl, that means you can’t have intimacy with them ? That’s so weird because I’ve literally done that, yea I had sex with women who so called “friendzoned” me because we were actually friends, I wasn’t just interested in sex, I wanted to have them in my life as companions lol . So I didn’t ghost them when they told me “we’re just friends”, people change their minds all the time . If you only want sex from them, well then they’re right to deny you, you’re just using them . Make friends of both sexes and actually value them as people, not sex objects . If a girl tells you “we’re just friends” if you really like her, that’s not a bad thing at all. It’s actually better than dating her . Powerful romantic relationships can come out of once strong friendships between two people. It’s better to build a bond with someone over a long period of time than to date them a few times, and then not have as much of a connection before going your separate ways . Always be upfront about what you want and be vulnerable with people, be genuine. That’s something so many people, genuine or not, value because it shows you’re trustworthy. If someone tells you “I just wanna be friends” respect that and either decide to remain their friend which can be difficult if you have passionate feelings for them, or decide to you can’t do that and move on. If you really like someone though, build a bond, work on yourself and stick it out as their friend because you actually care about them. Just because they said “we’re just friends” doesn’t mean that’s what it will always be . They don’t gotta crystal ball, they don’t know how shits gonna be in the future and neither do you .