LSD microdose as preworkout

In my experience LSD 10 - 15ug (1/10 of the standard street dose) is almost the perfect preworkout.

Edit - This is not a recommendation that anyone tries microdosing as a pre workout! These are simply the effects I observed. Don’t follow in my footsteps, I’m a dumbass.

LSD is nontoxic and nonaddictive, but can be dangerous for those with mental disorders like schizophrenia. If you struggle with your hold on reality then please avoid psychedelics and psychotropic drugs in general (including peds). I would also avoid it if you have a substance use disorder as like all drugs it can be abused.

Below is my list of all the performance related effects of microdosing lsd.

Effects -

Increased energy - The increased energy is potent but never feels forced and one can sit still if need be but one feels encouraged to move. This is comparable to a average dose of caffeine and lasts approx 8 hours.

Appetite suppression - This effect is far stronger then what is provided by caffeine and can rival a low dose of amphetamine (this also lasts around 8 hours so it’s perfect for a fast). Eating big meals can become impossible and small meals of fruits and oats are preferred.

Wakefulness aid - This effect is more then just the increased energy mentioned above. Most people will find it impossible to sleep within 8-12 hours after LSD, even at a microdose. This effect is most comparable to 150mg of modafinil.

Increased strength - I always find that I can lift more / perform more reps after a microdose. It’s almost like my mental limiter has been removed. This effect is most pronounced within the first 4-6 hours of the experience.

Euphoria - LSD can be very euphoric. The effect is not as potent at a microdose level, but it boosts the post workout euphoria by a huge margin.

Decreased boredom and increased music appreciation- Honestly I could workout all day after a microdose and never get bored. You feel very creative and in the moment and music sounds absolutely amazing, this is even more the case after the endorphins start pumping.

Increased coordination - As a fairly athletic person, I play a lot of spots with my main being skateboarding. I have filmed and landed most of my best tricks after a microdose. It’s almost like my body movement is more precise and my coordination skills / self confidence is off the charts.

Down sides - Biggest downsides to me are appetite suppression while bulking and the instant tolerance. LSD can only be microdosed 1 to 2 times a week (every 4 days), otherwise the positive effects begin to fade. If you have over used it a built up a high tolerance then a 2 week long brake will reduce your tolerance back to baseline.

People who suffer from anxiety may also want to avoid psychedelics. Psychedelics often cause and increase anxiety in people who are prone to it, I personally experience this and avoid it if my anxiety levels are higher then normal on that day / week.

Please share any experiences / effects you may have had with microdosing and working out.

Edit 2 - This is not a April’s fools post, just bad timing. I’m interested in pharmacology and try to discuss substance use in a prejudice free manner.

A microdose should have little to no subjective effects. These doses don’t cause hallucinations, mania or sensory effects.