Open myomectomy - scars and healing recommendations
Hi friends, my open myomectomy is coming up on October 9 and the anxiety is settling in 😅
I would love to hear y'all's stories about your healing process, and when you were able to move around and get back to physical activity (walks, bike rides, gym). I have a week off work as of now and easing in half-days for the week after, but my job is sedentary and I work from home so hoping this will be enough! And also I have tickets to a concert I'm really excited about a month after the surgery and am wondering if it's going to be possible to attend it or I should give them away 🥺
I'm also feeling very vain asking this but I'm worried about the incision and the way the scar will look. Would appreciate hearing your experience with your scars - how soon did the swelling go down, how soon after were you comfortable being in situations where it would be visible (beach, sauna etc)? Any therapies you found helpful to support the healing process?
Any and all details and supportive recommendations are super welcome!
Thank you for sharing your wisdom!