My yearly expenses in the last 11 years

Inflation is just like investment return. We can't fix a percentage for every year. I started tracking my yearly expenses from 2014. Just consolidated number and no breakup. So I can't answer such questions. Only thing I can say is Kids education expenses were 20-30% of total expenses always. I didn't add a car purchase expense in 2018 (Around 7.7-7.8L and got 1.9L for old wagon R).

This is for a family of 4 (2 kids). We don't travel much so no planned vacations. But there are a few 2-3 day car trips within 600-700 KM radius to visit historic and religious places and couple of trips to home town in car, twice an year.

We live in own home. So no rent but the expenses include monthly maintenance and home repair and improvement expenses. As you can see, expenses a little less than doubled in 10 years.

Hope this gives an idea on inflation. But also I need not re-iterate that, personal inflation varies drastically from person to person.

Year Expense
2014 766226.1
2015 728854.32
2016 822121.48
2017 844352.8
2018 1059883.01
2019 1019681.12
2020 820472.06
2021 1039878.51
2022 1197409.47
2023 1376461.86
2024 1492422.97