Dating after deconstructing f
Hi. I was raised in a white-conservative-evangelical bubble. Married young and had kids. Husband left the faith, cheated and left me with our young kids. That was 5 years ago and while I’ve been working on healing that trauma, my “faith” and my worldview completely imploded. Along with church hurt I have really struggled with my own personal views of who I thought God was. Or is. I am actively trying to work out where to land on all of that. But I know I am not conservative. And I don’t intentify with the evangelical group I was raised in. So on to my actual question…..I’ve been single for 5 years now and desire a partner to love and do life with but I have no idea how to find someone like minded. I visit churches (all kinds) and the dudes are either married or still in that white-conservative-evangelical bubble. Where do I find like minded guys? Is there something I should be looking for? I met my ex in a Baptist church when I was 19 so this is all so new to me. Any advice from the group?