This month it will be half a year

I can't believe I've made it this long. Some days are ok. Some days I feel really mad and then, there's the sad awful nights. But, I haven't stalked, I saw the new girl and didn't cry, I've had good times.

All in all, the ache is duller. I dont feel the all encompasing grief 24/7. How? Well, you just need to keep going and trust somehow your heart will mend it's invisible wounds.

I'm not over him, I love him, but I trust my wise self that was brave enough to put an end to it. And about the new relationship, even if it hurts so much, I thank life because when I was at my weakest it stopped me from fucking up.

I know some day, not too far, I will be myself and feel whole again. Im glad ive taken the time to be heartbroken.