[Discussion] Does partisan ever actually function as intended?
i cant pack mags without him appearing, i cant take a sip of water, i cant heal, i cant go piss without spawning this cunt.
having bosses with no footstep audio is stupid, i spent 50k on headphones to hear footsteps better but it doesnt matter because old ass simply doesnt need to make sound, niether does birdeye, its not like these guys are stealth masters either, ive seen birdeye throw a grenade at a wall and blow himself up before but apparently hes so sneaky that his feet never touch the ground and he just floats everywhere.
partisan does not work in this game, it is a slow paced "realistic" shooter that has a boss who radars you through walls, makes no noise, spawns where ever he wants on the map even if its 30 feet away from you.. i mean what the fuck is bsg doing? how the hell is this supposed to be an interesting boss to fight, his gear sucks, you cant find him, he sets up booby traps.
just remove him, atleast remove him in pve because he only has 1 person to fight in pve making him follow you from the moment he spawns till he kills you with garbage ammo through a crack in the wall.
we already have enough cheaters in tarkov, do we really need a boss with walls?