Is Episode Really a Kids app..

I’ve been seeing so many posts about the inappropriate parts of episode and to be completely honest y’all confuse me with the “it’s a children’s app”. Maybe in the past it used to be targeted towards younger ages but every ad for episode I have ever seen involves sexual stuff that makes it pretty clear it’s not for kids. Even when you go on episode, the covers for each story are something I wouldn’t want my grandparents or my dad to see and I’m 22 years old… so a child definitely shouldn’t even be on the platform in the first place. Lastly all the ads on episode involve inappropriate things like ai apps to sext with boyfriends or just other weird ads and episode should be aware of this considering they are paid by these companies to promote them. So can yall PLEASE explain why you think this app is targeted towards children in 2024. I included screenshots for some examples of what I’m talking about.