Aren't we ignoring the most important part?
The enneagram in its core is a system to help us distance ourselves from its proposed 9 types.
We are supposed to identify our type and then seek to move away from it, into a freer conscience, devoid of all of these limiting labels and defense mechanisms we have acquired, which turn us into constrained human beings.
I have been in these communities for quite a while now and most of what I see is the contrary. It seems that we treat all of these systems of personality as new labels to help us build our identities and only reinforce our ego.
We get so caught up in trying to find our main type, wings, instinctual variant, tritype, level of health, etc. that we don't realize that the important part is not about acquiring these labels, but the work you have to put in to set yourself free from them.
From the chapter 3 of "The Wisdom of the Enneagram"
The core truth that the Enneagram conveys to us is that we are much more than our personality. Our personalities are no more than the familiar, conditioned parts of a much wider range of potentials that we all possess. Beyond the limitations of our personalities, each of us exists as a vast, largely unrecognized quality of Being or Presence—what is called our Essence.
From the introduction of "The Complete Enneagram"
Beginning to understand your own personality type allows you to better notice your personality patterns as they are happening -to "catch yourself in the act more often- and release yourself from being trapped by choosing not to remain unconscious to those patterns.
From the Naranjo Institute website.
To be in personality is therefore to be out of contact with a more comprehensive view of the world. To be in personality is to be wearing blinkers, or blue or red or green tinted spectacles such that we see the world (including ourselves) as red, or green or blue. It is to be on “automatic” pilot, slightly roboticized, and no longer free to respond to the world and reality from an uninhibited emotional, cognitive or behavioural palette, from the free flow of instinct. To be in personality is to have lost the spontaneity of the infant, and the contact with self of the newly born.