That's the big, red-mist attack, where he starts shouting Nihil and stabbing the sky....
No, you can NOT block it. No, you can NOT roll through it. You need AT LEAST two Crimson Flasks to heal it, so you can't have all your flasks be Cerulean (looking at you, mages).
Alternatively, you can completely avoid it:
1) Go to this church in the Altus Plateau
2) Defeat this invading harlot
3) Equip the red ball that she drops - into your Flask!
4) Drink it BEFORE the fight/before Mogh starts chanting NIHIL!!!!! If you start drinking it DURING the Nihil, it's too late :(((((((
Congratulations! You won't die.
4.5) Optional: If you're still having trouble with the fight, look up Mohg's Shackle in the Wiki.
4.6) EDIT - Since there is still some confusion about the Purifying Crystal Tear and Mohg's Shackle: - The Purifying Tear can be used at any point before or during the first phase. It lasts around 10 minutes, so don't worry about it running out. - Mohg's Shackle can be used TWICE to temporarily stun Mohg, but ONLY in the first phase - before the Nihil. As soon as he starts stabbing the sky, you can't use it anymore.
Post over
I've been helping people with Mogh on lower levels, and my god, for every one fight where we at least get to phase 2, I have a good three where the host just waits by the entrance and fucking dies during the phase transition. Like, wtf. You have literally nothing else to do, if you're not gonna help, then please just at least guzzle some damn healing potions!!! You have summoned me like three times already, how could you have not learned anything?????
Some people seriously have the intelligence of a lobotomite, the reflexes of a dead sloth, and the survivability of a goldfish. How they got past the main menu is beyond me.
Look, I don't want to be elitist and insult new players, but fuck me, I've just had 7 fights in a row where the host bled out during the Nihil. Best part is, two of them had Eleonora's Poleblade, SO THEY KILLED HER, THEY HAVE THE TEAR, THEY JUST DON'T USE IT!!!!! whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Some good ideas in the comments, but I'm not going to go through the trouble of messaging every person individually, I'd spend half my playtime doing that.
However, I changed my name from "ballz" to "Use purif. tear!" , so hopefully it'll get a few guys and galls thinking :') hopefully......