Encouragement to leave needed

So last weekend my husband packed and put my suitcases of clothes by the garbage dump and said take your stuff and go. We were arguing and when he is mad he is verbally abusive. I ended up back wihin about 30 minutes but i did not deserve this. He has an anger problem that has caused many problems in our marriage. There is a-lot more to this story but ill keep only to the main situation so i don't write a whole book here. Anyway after 3 days of hell/yelling and name calling, he came around and spent the next 3 days consoling me, apologizing andsaying he would take care of me and such.

Well after an argument yesterday he did it again. The next weekend. Like he was picking a fight and i didn't even understand what the problem was, logic went out the window. So now i am in a hotel room with my pets. And of course he is asking me to come back. Am i wrong in saying how Do i know this wont happen again next weekend? Im obviously very upset with him. Of course i still love him.