Growing up is realizing that Gabby handled Ellie’s downward spiral absolutely awfully
While Gabby has shown minimal amount of concern for how Ellie treats others, it feels very fleeting as she never really does anything about it. Hell, the only reason why Gabby is upset with Ellie being in the Villains’ Alliance is because Ellie didn’t tell her about it and when she talks to Tess about the situation, she basically has Tess talk to Ellie for Gabby because “she’s so nervous uwu”.
Now obviously Tess has her own problems with how she handled the Ellie situation(mostly the ultimatum), but the way Gabby handled it personally annoyed me more since she should be actively communicating with her girlfriend and not pawning off Tess to do it for her. And then there’s how she reacts to Cyan Team voting off Ellie. It’d be one thing if she was just mad at Tess for betraying them and Tom and Aiden for laughing at Ellie but for some reason her vengeance extends to the fact that they voted for Ellie AT ALL. What?! Were Tom and Aiden supposed to just bend backwards and let Ellie be an asshole and eliminate them?! I’m sorry, I love Ellie and all and think her elimination was unfortunate but that logic does not correlate to me. Her villain arc makes her look unsympathetic as fuck and it’s honestly worse than anything Jake has done in this show.