New Playlist Weapon Drops Are WAY TOO LOW

Completed thus far 6 strikes (2 NF), 5 gambit, 32 crucible.

I have zero new weapon drops. I thought they would have been like Stars in Shadow where it felt like you got one at least every 2 games in addition to whatever else dropped.

Only legendary drops I'm getting are hot trash like low stat Thorium Holt armor, Insight Vikti armor and a seraph hand cannon that sunsets this season. Using the ghost shell Prosperity perk for each playlist as well. Feels bad

Even the crucible engram from Shaxx on the rewards path gave me a 2 season old class item. All the rank up engrams - also trash armor. Weekly crucible powerful for finishing bounties gave a Toil & Trouble. With the massive RNG perk pool on the new weapons, is it really that bad of a thing to give them out as rewards?!?

EDIT - Add 22 trials matches to this as well. 0 new item drops. In fact zero blue drops from trials now too - intended? Zero drop rewards unless you hit the milestones??