This woman is a cult leader

From s2ep15 "Paradise" - Another slice of great storytelling. Her community lands on a planet that takes breaks down all of their computer/mechanical functions. After 10 years being stranded on the planet, she managed to maintain control of a community with propaganda (ala her writings dehumanizing those who use technology) and torture. Haven't finished episode yet. Just paused it here.

This woman is creepy. The ones who show themselves to be friendly and caring, when in fact they are controlling and authoritarian.

From s2ep15 "Paradise" - Another slice of great storytelling. Her community lands on a planet that takes breaks down all of their computer/mechanical functions. After 10 years being stranded on the planet, she managed to maintain control of a community with propaganda (ala her writings dehumanizing those who use technology) and torture. Haven't finished episode yet. Just paused it here.

This woman is creepy. The ones who show themselves to be friendly and caring, when in fact they are controlling and authoritarian.