Attention to all Archon and Oracle players

I know you are trying your best but there is one thing that bothers me pretty much every game.

I like characters with high split push capability and end my games with usually over 20k objective damage if I play any of them. Almost every game, due to my pressure on objectives, the enemy team starts sending 2-4 people on me around mid-game.

Now the issue comes, the fight usually takes more than 30 seconds up to 1.5 minutes at times.

If you haven't figured the issue already, the youtube guide telling you to farm the jungle may have forgot to mention you need to push objectives to win. If you ever see 4 enemies on a lane, pushed to their side, taking their time to kill your teammate, you must push other lanes to benefit from their mistake.

So let me give an example scenario to make it easier. Let's say all the guardians are gone for both sides but the walkers are still up with around half HP. The Mcginnis in your team starts pushing the yellow lane to take the walker. She pushes the lane and starts hitting walker while the enemy team notices this and starts sending people there. They send 3 people and Mcginnis starts fighting. What should you do in this case?

No, you shouldn't take the T2 jungle camp behind the green lane walker or the T2s in the bottom right of purple lane. You should be pushing a lane, preferably away from yellow to be safer, and take the walker if you can. For example you can go for the blue lane since it is shorter or the purple one to take the walker since it's probably safer. Since the enemy team sent 3 people on 1, you'll have the number advantage and you can easily push one of the lanes if not both. After you are done with the push, there won't be any creeps left in the lane anyway, therefore you can safely move to take your jungle and get the best of the both!

I hope this brings some awareness to ranked players around Archon-Oracle level since this is an extremely common mistake I see in games.