Slayer Numen Mutation Relations Thoughts
Just a silly little 🍃 thought session while finishing some final side missions to pass the time. Ultimately, we're aware that essentially the Numens are essentially just infected people who have retained their humanity, but obviously receive extraordinary abilities and such due to the Autophage.
So, ultimately being infected and going through the rebirth process, they essentially "turn", and we know of the different variations of the zombies. Therefore, we essentially know that Cadenza is of the Screamer infected while Thurston is assumed to be of a Crusher infected. (Then there was the failed Burster and failed Mutator).
That got me wondering, what infected types would the Slayers be? I could image Ryan being a Crusher, Carla possibly being a Butcher, and then I'm kinda debating about Bruno being a Mutator? What are y'all's thought? Do you think that the Slayers are one of the already known infected types or maybe even one that's unknown (until/if we get Dead Island 3)?