About to hit 16k on UC
I’m a full time disabled person who is unable to work and have been on UC lcwra for about 2 years. Last year I was also granted pip and since then I have been fortunate enough to save around half the money I get. Due to this and the fact I have a birthday next month, I am about to hit 16k in total and I know this is the maximum for UC. My concern is as soon as I stop getting the money from UC my savings will decrease so what happens as soon as I go back under the 16k do I have to go through the whole application process including the work capability assessment again? I know im very fortunate to be in the position to have those savings I just know that on the pip alone I will start loosing money fast. I’m also concerned I will lose my free prescriptions and dental care. Will everything be stopped the minute I declare savings of over 16k?