Alters are the least of my problems (help with dissociative fugues?)
This is going to be more of a vent and ask for advice than anything else, but I’ve been really struggling lately. One of the original first signs of my DID was dissociative fugues where I’d go out in the middle of the night and walk for miles without realizing it, coming to by the river or the lake and not knowing how I got there. For a long time I managed to stop that, but lately it’s been happening during the day.
It’s been happening more frequently with an increase in flashbacks/intrusive memories, and I think is a way of “running away” from the memories, but I’m worried at some point I’ll get myself in a dangerous situation. Today I came to on the side of the road two miles from home, and while it was fine and I walked back, there was no sidewalk and I don’t like the idea of being in a dissociative state by the side of the road like that. I’ve also been getting on buses and going to other towns up to 40 minutes away- again, I’ve always managed to get back home, but I’m worried I’ll find myself with no phone battery and in a bad situation.
Does anyone deal with dissociative fugues? What can I do to help this/stop it from happening? Do I just try to fill the walking urge by setting time aside to walking mindfully along a path or something, or would that just encourage it?