I Love Her
We met around the time her DID was forming. We’ve had so much fun together. So many shared laughs, stories, pain, and experiences. I had no clue under the rainbow what DID was. I don’t think she really had much of an idea either. I came to find this community and was it was just so helpful with learning and reassuring that we’d both be okay. We learned about DID together. We have such a good time now. DID is extremely hard, but now it’s not this thing that’s just looming over her, over us now. She’s fronting as primary wayyyy more. I really didn’t even see her compared to other alters. But now I get to see her again, see her way more. For now we’re friends, but I hope we can be partners one day. We talked about it and she says she needs time. I love her either way. If we’d just be friends then I’ll still love her. We’ll still have fun. Still give each other jabs and jokes about how we’re both so ducked in the head😭. I’ve never in my life gotten so close to a person before. All of us get along. Each of em have their own quirks. I love all of them so much. I love her so much. Things would’ve been so much different, had I not taken the time to learn. I’m proud of myself. And by God, i’m so proud of her. She seemed so sadddddd. Now she’s so happyyyyyy. She says she loves me. That I’m a safe place for her. If I get to see that smile till the end of time, the end of this life of mine, I’d be smiling too. They say there is a man on the moon. But for me it’s a woman who happens to be you. The moon sure is beautiful, isn’t it?