do the people calling the religious girls immodest and hypocritical realize they are the only ones upholding these ridiculous standards

i haven’t seen a single practicing Christian criticize the religious DCC’s for being sexy, yet there are dozens and dozens of posts from people who aren’t religious saying that they shouldn’t be DCC’s because of their beliefs

these are the same people that are the most outspoken against purity culture + the harm it causes, yet they are the ones projecting their own opinions that these girls are not allowed to be sexy

these girls aren’t doing anything wrong. the Christian religion does not teach that what they are doing is wrong. Christians are not telling them that what they are doing is wrong. but the people who aren’t Christian are furious that they would dare be sexy and love Jesus at the same time?

if you ever want the world to progress beyond forcing women to orient their entire lives towards accommodating men’s lust, you should be celebrating the fact that these girls don’t feel ashamed of their bodies. and you should be defending them when people try to tell them that sexy and Christian are mutually exclusive characteristics