Question to anyone who was close to the honourees at the Legends Ceremony: Were you able to ask anyone for a picture or talk to them?
I attended the Legends ceremony on Sunday night and my goodness was it a dream like experience!! I was sitting 5 rows behind Harrison Ford, Jamie Lee Curtis, Mark Henn & Frank Oz. I was in complete awe of being so close to a who’s who of stars & was amazed by how close I was to them. I definitely didn’t think they’d be seated in the front row. I really wanted to try and ask Harrison if he could take a picture with me, or just talk to him for a few seconds and congratulate him. I was in full Indiana Jones cosplay as well so was hoping that’d have helped my ability to talk to him since he’d see that!
Unfortunately it never happened, as I couldn’t figure out when was the best time before the show started to do so. I’m curious if anyone even closer to the honourees, in the row directly behind them or the third row, were able to talk to them or take a picture with them? Did you try? Were you successful? If people directly behind them weren’t successful then that’d alleviate some of the pain of me not being able to do so from the sixth row 😅
Truly hope to meet Harrison one day as he’s my favourite actor of all time and I have immense respect for him and his work!