Swiggy HDFC 5% cashback list

The MCC codes don't really help and it's hard to know where we'll earn 5% cashback. HDFC simply says across 1000s of apps 🤷 We know the popular ones (Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, Netflix, 1mg etc) but I'm curious where else have you used your swiggy HDFC credit card and got 5% cashback?

If we can have a list of sites, I think it'll be very helpful. I'm going to shop from IKEA this week and was wondering if it's eligible for cashback.

Edit: I just heard back from HDFC bank. IKEA is included in the 5% cashback category. "We wish to inform you that your credit card transaction details are IKEA INDIA MUMBAI MAH MCC code is 5712".