Curious what are yalls majors
I am currently a third year electrical engineering students focusing on telecommunications but something about control systems keep pulling me in even though the maths of it all is hard as heck. Right before I had to pick a major I was always pretty good (until first semester where I had calc 1 and 2, but when I got engineering maths where I was introduced to Z-transform I almost dieded and got my soul taken) and so I wanted to major in math, but my parents said no and told me to go to engineering 😫. But I would definitely say I'm more interested in maths rather than physics, maybe that's why I have this interest in control systems (like from what I've seen, it's very mathy like even my lecturer who taught me advanced linear algebra along with convex optimization had a control systems background).
I'm at a point nearing the final year of college and I feel like I want to get a master's degree and I might major in applied maths or electrical engineering again but with a control systems focus.
I'm curious about yall in here, what was/is your background and focus? And what kind of work do you do now (if you're already working). And also, why did yall like control systems?
I'm always open for some advice, salud 🙏