I think I’m done
Long story short, maybe 7 or 8 months ago around the time I went to Creamfields i was a stupid fuck and never knew about the consequences of sillica dust…. Stupid as hell, but the majority of the time I did wear a mask but just one time just one time I was caught in a thick cloud and I mean thick like holy lord. Anyway I quit smoking/vaping around 3 months ago maybe a little longer and the last week out of no where I’ve been experiencing quite bad shortness of breath and I’m tired a lot a lot more. My legs feel jelly walking about and I’m producing this green pleghm and even when I am eating I’m noticing I’m slowly losing weight? But it’s been making me anxious and I’ve not wanted to eat at all. I’m gonna call my doctors but I honestly will not be surprised if I’m hit with awful news. I’ve repointed before and it’s always been outside. I do obviously hope it’s just my body getting over smoking as I haven’t worked with concrete for like 4 or 5 months but I know it takes time to catch up to people. I might be fucked