CT Energy
I wrote my Republican State Senator about the utility companies recently. Their team's response was to blame Democrats -
"For years the Senate Republicans have proposed common-sense solutions to address rising energy costs, but these proposals have been repeatedly blocked by the Democrat majority. Most recently, the Republicans introduced a plan to study the removal of fees and costs associated with state government policy decisions from energy bills, transferring these expenses to the state budget instead. This would have provided much-needed relief to consumers, but the majority party rejected it outright."
They did mention "The public benefits charge, originally approved by the legislature in 2017." Are they referring to the Millstone agreement?
If so state Democrats, blame that on Republicans - https://www.senatedems.ct.gov/what-happened-with-my-energy-bill
What they heck are these people even doing besides fighting like children? How tone deaf are they to politicize every single topic, even something that impacts every single one of their constituents regardless of ideology. What do we, as voters, even do?
Can someone ELI5?