I didn't deserve to pass the Net+ (also job update?)

I passed my Net+ yesterday, but I don't feel like I deserved to. My work pays for my certifications and they also pay for 2 study days. My 2 study days, they let me study in our Net Admins office because he was on vacation and it's quiet. I did not study a single thing. I just watched Dexter and ate Pizza Hut for 16 hours cause I figured I would somehow magically conjure up motivation at home, which didn't happen.

The Monday before my exam, I went into Professor Messer's course and saved every video about something I didn't understand to a playlist, and started watching them Tuesday night. Then I woke up Wednesday morning, and on the hour car ride to the Pearson center, I watched the rest. I had 30 minutes before my test to pick a couple videos I didn't fully understand before I went in.

When I went in, the exam proctor asked me if I thought I was going to do well and I told her flat out "no, I crammed all my studying into 5 hours." but she said that she believed in me. The whole time I was taking the test, I felt clueless. I marked about half of the questions for review, and spent 15 minutes on the first PBQ. When it came time to review the questions I had marked, I changed almost every single answer I had initially marked and restarted that PBQ that took 15 minutes. I used up until the last minute of time reviewing questions, and during the ending survey, I was sweating so bad the mouse would slip out of my hands.

I didn't want to see how bad I failed, so I covered up on the screen where it normally says the score, and raised my hand to signal to the proctor that I was done, but what I didn't cover up was the big texted that said "CONGRATULATIONS" The relief I felt seeing that is unparalleled by anything ever.

I passed with a 750 which is even high than I got on either A+ exam. If I had watched 1 less video in the minutes before, I was not passing that exam. If the exam proctor didn't tell me she believed in me I was not passing that exam haha. But hey! Now I am a CompTIA IT Operations specialist! I'm under evaluation for a raise, and my boss wants to start me down the path of replacing our current Sys admin because he is getting a promotion of some kind (I think he is replacing out Director of Customer Relations, which feels more like a step to the side rather than moving up) There are 15 techs working here, and I've only been here for 4 months and started with no certs/experience so I feel like that says I'm doing something right.

I'm glad this is working out as well as I thought it was going to when I took the job, but I'm definitely going to study harder for the next certification. Which I think is the Microsoft Hybrid Server Associate?? I really want to get some more of these stackable certifications though. What are y'alls suggestions for the next move for me (maybe to help show some extra initiative?)