Introduction Exercises Are A Bit Depressing Sometimes

I understand introduction exercises or essays are meant to be easy and fun, but personally I really get sick of talking about myself. It may be okay if that persons life is exciting and interesting (aka job, career, personality, etc) but personally sharing for people like me makes me feel very exposed. Not even in a remotely good way.

Professors want you to be true and to be honest, but honestly my life kinda sucks. I mean, they may also have that urge to “want to get to know their students better”. Even for the sake of creative writing, I am getting sick of diving deep in my past, reliving old memories , and rehashing bitter feelings. I'd rather just write from a random prompts asking how we feel about how that person felt or something, what it means to us, etc. It’s very exhausting sometimes and definitely doesn’t make said class worthy to remember either.

TL;DR : Introduction exercises may seem great for teachers, but are really depressing for some students.