Is my classmate midladder?

So turns out there are two people in my class who play this game, including me, I spoke to that guy for the first time today, asked him what deck is he running, trophies blah blah

So he's at 6000 trophies, been playing for a few years, has a level 14 mini pekka, other cards are level 13, I forgot the rest of his deck, but he has goblinstein, rage, and I asked him don't tell me you play megaknight haha, welp, he had mk too, and i thought, midladder menace,

For context, I'm at 5300 trophies, kinda got stuck here ngl, been playing for 2 months, challenger 2 in pol, I don't wanna play further cause everyone has level 12 cards and mine are mostly 10/11 so I'll wait till I level up my deck, he doesn't play pol either so

Anyway chat, is my classmate a midladder menace fr